Powerful Ideas Content and how to Represent it
On January 20, 2009, At Kyoto University Clock Tower Centennial Hall, Alan Kay gives a lecture
in Memory of Yahiko Kambayashi-sensei. |
November 5, 2008 40th Anniversary Celebration of the Dynabook, held at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, CA. Hear Alan Kay, Chuck Thacker and Mary Lou Jepsen reflect. |
November 5, 2008 40th Anniversary Celebration of the Dynabook, An excerpt from the proceedings focusing on Alan Kay's remarks to the assembly. |
VIDEO of "Program for the Future" talk Dec 8 2008 at Adobe, celebrating the
40th anniversary of the Mother of All Demos Andy van Dam and Alan Kay in conversation with Joel Orr. Featuring guest
appearance by Douglas and Karen Engelbart.
Star-studded audience included Peter Norvig of Google, Bill English
co-inventor of the Mouse, Jeff Rulifson of the SRI ARC team, and the
winners of the 2008 Awards for increasing our Collective Intelligence: Tim
O'Reilly of O'Reilly Media, Mike Linksvayer of Creative Commons.
"Engelbart's Quest: What was done and what remains to be done" by Alan Kay
and Andy van Dam
is a profoundly significant conversation about the future of software...
timely and provocative"
Mei Lin Fung, Program for the Future |
On December 9, 2008 at Stanford University's Memorial Auditorium, SRI International presented a commemorative 40th anniversary of Dr. Douglas Englebart's historic demonstration. Original participants recounted what led up to the 1968 demo, the drama of the demonstration itself, and its impact - which no one could have imagined at the time. |